What happened to the "love" that usually existed between men and women? These days we tend to call one another "tings" or "links". We demoralise each other, yes we, men and women; is the issue commitment or is it just that we know too much too young. But is it right to cast the blame on our generation or our parents. I'm not familiar with the statistics but whether or not we ourselves are from broken homes; we know someone from a broken home. Take myself for example, I wasn't familiar with the word "love" that existed between man and woman, only the love for my family and friends. However through my parents I learnt what "love" isn't, like many of us do, so it's fair to say that the idea of "love" that we, the fragments of our demolished home, carry is distorted.
As children, we are a map of our parents, if we're not shown examples. We have to learn ourselves, therefore making it harder and leading to a series of bad relationships. So how will we know what love is? Love is pure. Love is the ability to not only look past imperfections but still love that person because of it. In a weird way the love between a man and woman should be similar to the love we have with our parents. We should look and see our other halves as part of our family, we should love them as though we share the same blood lines. They should be a part of you and like family they're in disposable.
But that sort of love doesn't really exist in our generation. We don't know how or when to let go, even when it hurts too much.